8 Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Wine

It is important to note that these benefits extend to moderate wine drinkers only. The American Heart Association defines moderate wine consumption as one to two 4-ounce glasses per day. If that description applies to you, here are all of the good things your healthy wine habit can do for your body.
1. Increases Your Longevity
Several studies have shown that your taste for wine may actually mean that you’ll live longer, and thus have more time to drink fine wines. According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, those who drank a moderate amount of wine each day reduced their risk of premature death by almost one-third compared to participants who abstained from drinking. The study also showed additional health benefits of wine, as wine drinkers also had significantly lower rates of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Wine drinkers didn’t only outperform non-drinkers; they also had increased lifespans compared to beer or spirit drinkers. In a 29-year study of 2,468 men, wine drinkers had a 34% lower rate of mortality compared to those who drank other forms of alcohol.
2. Improves Your Cardiovascular Health

3. Cut Your Risk of Stroke
In an analysis adjusted for age, gender, and smoking, wine drinkers were found to have a lower risk of ischemic stroke compared with non-wine drinkers. This benefit was not found in those who drank beer or hard liquor, so next time you’re entertaining, be sure to offer guests a glass of wine.
4. Improve Cholesterol Levels
The health benefits of wine extend to cholesterol levels. Drinking wine seems to increase levels of HDL cholesterol, also known as “good” cholesterol. According to a study, those who consumed moderate amounts of wine had significantly higher levels of HDL cholesterol and significantly lower levels of LDL cholesterol (or “bad” cholesterol) compared with non-drinkers.
Wine also helps prevent LDL cholesterol from damaging arteries. Compounds from wine called phenols actually limit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which stops it from causing damage to arteries that can lead to conditions like heart disease.
5. Cut Your Risk of Certain Cancers
Red grapes (and thus red wine) can function as a nutritional aromatase inhibitor, which can help fight breast cancer. Breast tumors use the aromatase enzyme to produce their own estrogen. Since red grapes can inhibit aromatase, this helps prevent tumor growth.
A study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology showed that the moderate consumption of wine — especially red wine — can cut the risk of colon cancer. Wine drinkers reduced their risk by 45% compared to non-drinkers.
The health benefits of wine also extend to prostate health. Men who drink an average of four to seven glasses of wine per week are 52% less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer compared with those who don’t drink wine. Red wine drinkers appear to reap the most benefits; doctors believe this is due to the flavonoids and resveratrol that may balance androgen production.
6. The Benefits of Resveratrol
Many of the health benefits of drinking wine have been attributed to resveratrol, a compound found in red wine. Some of the benefits of resveratrol include:
- reducing inflammation
- lowering LDL cholesterol
- making it more difficult for clots to form
- limiting the spread of cancer cells
- protecting nerve cells from damaging
- fighting plaque buildup that can lead to Alzheimer’s disease
- preventing insulin resistance that can lead to diabetes
If you prefer white wines, now may be the time to sample some reds.
7. Promote Healthy Eyes
Wine may be good for your eyesight. According to a study published in Nature, moderate drinkers are 32% less likely to developed cataracts compared to nondrinkers. This study proved wines superiority to other alcohol, as well. Compared with those who drank mainly beer, wine drinkers were 43% less likely to develop cataracts.
There is also some evidence that resveratrol in red wine can stop out-of-control blood vessel growth in the eyes. This may have implications for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degenerations, but studies are still in the early stage.
8. Keep Your Mind Working at Its Best
According to a Columbia University study, drinking wine may be good for your brain. Nondrinkers see a significantly faster rate of brain function decline than those who drink in moderation.
Resveratrol may also play a role in improving short-term memory. After only 30 minutes of testing, participants who consumed resveratrol had a significant increase in word retention. They also showed performance improvement in the part of the brain associated with the formation of new memories, learning, and emotions.
Drink to Your Health
With so many health benefits of wine, now is the perfect time to stock up. Of course, it is important to note that your moderate wine intake should be paired with other healthy lifestyle choices in order to maximize the benefits. As you grow your collection of wine, make sure to find the perfect storage solution to keep your wine in its best drinking condition. Shop our entire range of wine coolers and storage, then drink to your health!