7 Wine Storage Tips for Wine Enthusiasts

As any passionate wine collector will know, the best part of collecting isn’t only savoring the sweetness of your favorite Bordeaux, but to proudly revel in your wine cellar, admiring your wine collection from decades of well-spent collecting. However, such an investment requires dedication and knowledge. At KingsBottle, we’ve spent years perfecting our wine refrigerators and coolers, using state-of-the-art technology and sleek design to provide the ultimate wine storage solutions for everyone from the casual wine enthusiast to restaurants and bars. There’s more to storing wine that just keeping it cold. That’s why we’ve gathered seven of the most essential wine storing tips you can use to protect your investment. Here’s a few tips how to store wine from the experts.
1. Keep Track of Your Inventory
Your wine is rich not only in taste, but also in price. Keeping track of your wine is a must, especially when one misplaced bottle will cost you hundred of dollars. Whether you manage the stock at a restaurant, or you have a personal wine collection, wine can be a significant investment.
Before you start to store your wine, consider your space and think it through. Are you going to organize by varietal, style, or vintage? Best-sellers and rare commodities? Once you’ve plotted a layout, find the software program that best suits you (for the technologically averse, know that these spreadsheets are fairly simple nowadays—and well worth it). Keep track of your bottles on a simple spreadsheet, and consider a backup written down by hand; as you add to your collection over time, you’ll be happy you did.
2. Ensure Your Wine Is Safe
This wine storing tip can save you hundreds to thousands of dollars. A wine cellar built to resist natural disasters is a necessity—especially if you live in an area prone to earthquakes, such as California. You can always reinforce and add padding to your racks, which will insulate the bottles from significant damage.
Obviously, the more money you put into your storage space is indicative on how safe it will be. A KingsBottle built-in wine cooler is a great solution, as the surrounding walls provide a more solid structure.
3. Store Bottles on Their Sides
One of the most heated debates, in regards to wine, is how to properly store wine. Standing up, lying down, what’s really the difference? Storing wine on its side is the best thing you can do for your wine, as laying it on its side helps you control the amount of oxygen that comes in contact with the wine.
According to experts, when you store a bottle of wine on its side, the liquid in the bottle keeps the cork moist. The cork keeps its air tightness, and so keeps a tight seal from the outside air. Although some air goes through the corks pores, it’s not enough to really do any harm.
4. Keep Your Wine Away From Light
Most people who don’t know how to store wine might think natural light as an inert object that couldn’t possibly do anything to a sealed bottle of wine, but that would be far from the truth. Indeed, light can damage wine quickly. A wine bottle does not need to be exposed to prolonged for long to incur significant damage. It is important to keep wine in a dark place that has little to no light to prevent damage to the wine.
5. Invest in a Backup Generator for Your Cooling System
In terms of wine storage tips, this tip has the potential to saving you the most money. A Dual Zone 100 Bottle Wine Fridge is a great way to keep your favorite wines stored at their ideal temperatures, but all it takes is a power outage for your wines to start to go bad. If you have a wine cellar with a humidifier, the damage can be far worse. You can avoid the hassle of something like that happening if you install a backup generator.
6. Keep Your Cellar Clean
If you have a wine cellar, it is important to keep it clean. Vermin, mold, and insects tend to like dark places like a wine cellar. That means avoid having any food in the same storage area as your wine and make sure you check your cellar often for any bugs or mold.
7. Choose a KingsBottle Wine Refrigerator
You don’t have to have an innate preference for frigid, cold wine, but if you store and collect wine then you definitely have to store them in a temperature controlled location. In order to keep your wine flawless, you’ll need to keep it away from fluctuating temperatures; if your wine cellar is prone to heat, you might be heading to disaster.
In order to maintain an ideal temperature for wine, a cooling system or storage unit are a must. A cooling unit acts as a better and precise wine cellar. If you’re looking for a storage system, go ahead and shop from our entire inventory of wine coolers and storage units, so you can keep your wine collection prestine.